Are You Producing Fruit?
Are you producing Fruit? What’s your favorite fruit? Apples? Oranges? Bananas? What if the fruit was rotten, would you still want to consume it? What if I picked you favorite fruit from a tree that wasn’t the correct tree? For example… what if you favorite fruit was an apple and I told you that I picked it from a cherry tree? Would […]
Missional Mandate
Missional Mandate Being missional is something that is often talked about, lived out by many, but I often wonder how many of us actually understand the grit that it takes to be on mission as a way of life and not just an action every now and then. What if we began to view our […]
Character Matters
Character Matters For whatever reason, character is something that frustrates followers of Jesus. Especially when you involve scripture. I remember having a conversation with someone about it and they argued that scripture isn’t a book of what to do and what not to do, but serves as a story about a man that we all […]
Are You Right With God?
Are you right with God? That’s a question that many would say yes to. Simply because knowing that you aren’t, has implications that are really difficult to process. Not being right with God has eternal consequences. Scripture makes clear that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in […]