Missional Mandate

Missional Mandate

Being missional is something that is often talked about, lived out by many, but I often wonder how many of us actually understand the grit that it takes to be on mission as a way of life and not just an action every now and then. What if we began to view our mission as followers of Jesus as something that we do on a regular basis and not just an event planned by the local body of believers? What if we began to look at our employment as the mission field instead of where we just collect a check? What if we began to pray Acts 4? Asking the Lord for boldness to proclaim the gospel with confidence and clarity to any who would hear? It makes me wonder would my city still be so high in crime. It makes me wonder what our world would look like. As followers of Jesus, God has given us a mission to make Christ known. 

God has empowered each of us for this mission. While my approach to mission or even where I live on mission may be different from you, we are all empowered by God with His Spirit to be on mission. The mission that we have been empowered for, is to share the Gospel with the lost world through God’s wisdom and strength. Not only to unbelievers (sharing the Gospel and sharing the love of Christ), but also among believers (encouraging believers to grow in the faith/walking out life with them) Being missional is taking what you have and sharing it with either. Be it the Gospel, strength or anything else… We must carry out the mission. Either way we look at it, mission begins with God, but He then gives strength, wisdom and courage to his people to tell others about Him. 

Here’s something to think about… In the context of mission, Are you part of the solution or Are you part of the problem? Do you choose your own agenda over God’s plan? Are you determined for your dreams to come to past more than you are God’s desires? God is so gracious in that even if we’ve missed this before, He is giving us the privilege to get it right. It’s true that God has given to us a mission to make Him known, but there’s 3 things that I want you to know about it: 

It will require Sacrifice. How the mission is fulfilled will not always go your way. It will not always be lucrative. It will not always be comfortable. It will not always be convenient. Having conversations about Jesus will not always be at the most opportune times. To fulfill the mission you will have to give us some things and leave some people to make Christ known. Paul sacrificed his comfort (Philippians 3.7-11), Job gave up everything (Job 13), and Jesus sacrifice His life (John 3.16). What are you willing to give up to be on mission for God? What is God requiring you to leave to follow Him fully? The mission will require sacrifice. 

It is rewarding. There is so much peace in being obedient to God. There is so much joy in being right where God wants you to be. The greatest reward in fulfilling the mission of God is knowing that you get to just be with Him through it all. Let’s not get so caught up in the freedom that we have in Christ that we forget the importance of being obedient to Christ. You ever witnessed someone you have shared the Gospel show signs that God is working on their heart? It’s so rewarding. You ever seen someone mature in Christ that you’ve been praying for? It’s so rewarding! The mission of God is so rewarding. The greatest reward is to hear your master say to you, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.”

It will come with distractions. In life, there are so many things and people fighting for your attention, affections and even your time. There will always be something that will come up to deter you from what is most important. Knowing there will be distractions you must, set clear boundaries, and remain focused. What are your distractions? What are you hesitations? What is it that is keeping you from living on mission? 

Remember this: God has given us a mission to make Him known. It wont always be easy, but it will always be worth it. Will it require sacrifice? Yes. Will there be distractions? Yes, but living for the Lord and making Him known will be so rewarding. 

-Pastor Michael T. Byrd Sr.